What is xSTRK?
What is xSTRK?
xSTRK is Endur's Liquid Staking Token that represents your staked STRK position. It's a yield-bearing token that allows you to maintain liquidity while earning staking rewards on your STRK tokens!
Exchange Rate and Token Amount
When you deposit STRK, you'll receive xSTRK at the current exchange rate. You'll notice that the amount of xSTRK received is less than your STRK deposit. This is because of 2 reasons:
Exchange Rate
xSTRK's value increases over time relative to STRK and it reflects accumulated staking rewards. In simple terms, the rewards auto compound automatically when you hold xSTRK.
Example: If 1 xSTRK = 1.1 STRK, you'll receive ~0.91 xSTRK for 1 STRK
Yield-Bearing Mechanism
xSTRK automatically accrues value from staking rewards.
Your xSTRK balance stays constant, but its value in STRK increases!
Last updated